Wednesday, August 16, 2006

New friends and an update...

I’m happy to welcome two new friends to the inner blog circle.

Both of them, Tim and Jay, are friends from the theological institution that consistently takes our money.

Tim’s blog is a fun assortment of thoughts on theology, life and things he’s going through/ contemplating. His current post is fantastic and well worth interacting with.

Jay’s blog is entirely theological. He posts many of his seminary papers and invites feedback and comments.

You’ll find both of these homies represented in the links section.

As for me, summer school is almost over. I have enjoyed the lighter load now that Hebrew is over (although I loved Hebrew), and only have one class left to focus on. It ends by Tuesday (since it’s my online class, I’m hoping to finish over the next couple of days). Tomorrow I start substitute teaching again, so that should produce some fun stories before long.

I can’t believe I’ve gone most of the summer without any kind of in-depth discussion of my beloved Yankees. That will change soon. Maybe Scott’s example inspired me. Maybe I’m just high on the intoxicating elixir that is a 3 game lead in mid-August. Either way, the discussion is coming soon.

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