Saturday, March 10, 2007

Movin' out...

Someone recently told me to stop writing so much sports stuff on my blog because, “It’s so boring and nobody reads it.”

I have considered this idea. I have pondered it. I have even mulled it over.

I have acquiesced. Sort of.

It’s moving day here at “Voices.” From now on, this site will be devoted specifically to sports. All the time. Like about 1/3 of my brain. Yet, I’m not abandoning the other stuff that often gets thrown around here, I’m just relocating it.

Beginning today, all non-sports stuff can be found here.

That’s the place to go for mostly true stories about school, substitute teaching and my wife. You’ll also find the random stuff that litters my brain well-represented. And occasionally, if you’re nice about it, I might even throw in something serious and theological. But, only if you’re nice about it.

See you on the Left Coast.


Luke said...

I found my way here somehow. One question for you, Yankee man. Does it bother you that Terrence Mann says your quotation to the right just before or after (I can't remember) being at Fenway Park?

(Am I allowed to mention those two words on this site?)

benji said...


Since Terrence Mann says those words while standing in the midst of an Iowa cornfield turned baseball diamond, long after leaving Boston and going through de-tox in Minnesota...nah. Not a bit. But welcome to the site.