Thursday, November 10, 2005

Making the grade...

The following story is true. The dialogue has been reconstructed from the best of my recollection. Welcome to my world.

I had finally given in to the inevitability of my fate and extracted my Greek homework from its Timbuk2 cocoon, when the door handle sounded.

She's home.

"Hi, Gretters."

"Hi." She said it with her turned-up nose and raspy voice, almost a hiss, that usually means I've done something kinda wrong (not really wrong which merits far different non-verbals).

Couldn't be my fault, I've just been here doing my homework.

"What's up? How was class?"

"I'm so frustrated!"

This can't be good, and yet it's kinda funny.

"Why are you frustrated?"

"I got a B on my paper. An 89. Seriously, how could that not just be a 90?"

"Honey, there's nothing wrong with a B."

"I wanted an A."

"I know, but it's not like you've got nothing else going on in life."

She turned the tables. "Wouldn't you be frustrated if you got a B?"


Her eyes sparkled. "What about the paper lying on the desk? You got a B on that. Doesn't that bother you?"

She'd seen that? I generally hide all evidences of my shame in the file cabinet lest anyone see behind the curtain.

"Actually, yeah, it does. But, I don't have a full-time job. There's no reason for me to be getting a B on anything."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. You shouldn't be getting Bs."

I love being married to a smart, funny woman.


The Bottom Line said...

thats exactly the gretters i know. The Kind of lady that when i walk into your house in ventura and we all start talking about baseball she says I like Pokey reese, i puzzlingly look at you because i know that Senor Pokey is not good and far from a fan favorite anywhere, and her reply to me as straight faced as can be is "because his name is Pokey."
Thats when i knew the greatness of GREATA. Hey at least she didnt go Urbina on you. (Its my new describing word)and by the way Ben you shouldnt be getting B's!!!

miss you cats.........209 OUT

Greta said...

I would like to make a clarification or two regarding this story.

First, I was upset about getting an 89 on a paper, because I felt it deserved (at least) a 90. That part is true. What you also need to know is that I feel my prof did it intentionally, knowing that an 89 would you drive me up the wall and to challenge me. (It worked.)

Second, Benji goes crazy when he gets Bs on anything. Crazy, as in, rantings, curse words, etc. So please don't let the calm facade of his recent post fool you. He often shares grades and papers with me, but when I saw a paper with a B+ on it laying on his desk, I knew that A.) He will never tell me about this and B.) Someday I will be able to use this.

Which, as you can see from the post, I did.

Benji and I pride ourselves on being witty. He is quite good at it, I am working on it. Lets just say that around our house there is much laughter, and a lot of "Damn, I wish I'd thought to say that" going on.

B and K said...

Greta (ie Gretchen) must not be a christian because she said 'damn.' Benji you need to clean up your potty-mouthed wife. And you can tell her I said that!
(Can you imagine the grin on my face right now!?!)

Brady said...

I have to give props to Benji using his jedi mind tricks.

He has suddenly taken a risky situation of being in trouble and turned it into props-ing your wife (awwww you have full time job and do a great job of supporting your husband). Nice move.


Anonymous said...

man, i'm just an all around loser. First of all, I get an 89, and i think "sweet, didnt' fail that one."
Not only that, but i really didn't give a shit that greta said damn.
rough day...